Monday, February 20, 2006

Oh, the shame

This has been the laziest day EVAH.*

My kids have been out of school today. They had Friday off, too. I think I'm going to have a talk with the vacation planner at school. They get entirely too many days off. The joy of living in a hurricane state, I suppose. We start school early in case a big one blows through and we're not in school until July because of missed days.

Anyway, we've been absolute lazy slobs today. In fact, we're all still in our pj's. I've refused to work at all. Okay, I take that back. I did a tiny bit this morning, but nothing since. This new job is a monster! I thought I would have a relaxing weekend visiting my husband, but ended up meeting with the owner of the hotel where we stayed and talking business. We even went out to eat and I sent them on to the van afterwards so I could talk with the manager. Sad, I know. But I'm learning to work when the opportunity presents itself. Best part of working some this weekend? The hotel and restaurant ended up being total business write offs. heh heh. Wish the shopping I did was, too. I think business only stretches so far, though.

Mak woke up sick today. I have no idea what hit her. All I know is she pulled an exorcist first thing and has been sleeping pretty much since. I'm hoping it's either a quick 24 hour virus thingy or something she ate.

I realized that I was becoming one of those moms I have big problems with. The ones who practically sleep with their cell phones and are constantly doing "one more thing" while the kids wait impatiently. I can see how and why it happens. It's very easy. You work so hard to be a good mom, that when you get a job in addition to being a mom, you want to do the same thing in that area of your life. I gotta keep a closer eye on this.

So, we're completely shameful today. And it feels good.

*EVAH- is the southern way of saying the word ever. And spell check has huge issues with this word, too.

1 comment:

Crazy Me said...

I need a lazy day too. I'm jealous!