Monday, June 19, 2006

More than this Ol' Girl Can Handle

Folks, I may just lose my entire mind.

We're moving next week. NEXT FREAKING WEEK. Last thing I knew...we were considering moving and had 6 months to get prepared.

I don't think I've ever in my entire life agonized over something like this. I had a premature baby in NICU for a month and didn't agonize like this. The doctors made the decisions in there. I, in my immature wisdom, didn't know any better so I let them. Which was not a bad thing, mind you.

I had mastered the art of being an ostrich. I've completely buried my head in the sand and refuse to come up and realize exactly what I am getting ready to do. I'm leaving every thing I know. Everyone I know. I am a Taurus. We despise change. We thrive on routine. I have a pretty good one going here. My anxiety level is rising and in return, so are the kids.

I am going against every parenting skill I've ever learned by letting my two year old keep his pacifier when he sleeps at night. I keep thinking that I'm getting ready to traumatize him and it just wouldn't be kind to take his one security from him right now. We'll do it in a few weeks when things calm down.

The one realization that I have come to is this: If we don't go and be together as a family, then that will put my husband and I living apart for 4 years. Then when he comes back.....I might not want him in "my" house. We might need to get accustomed to each other while the gettin' is good.

My life friend from second grade is having a nervous breakdown. She won't even discuss moving or packing anything related with me when we talk. BUT, she's taking off two days next week to come stay with me and help me get the house straight. ~snort~

So, I shall be busy for the next week or so. Internet access is first on the list due to my job. I think as long as I have the coffee maker hooked up and the computer, I might just make it. Oh, and the cell phone charged.

Wish us luck on this new adventure we're getting ready to take. A prayer or two would be more than welcome, too!!!!!


Crazy Me said...

Good luck. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Crazy Me said...

Come back ... we miss you!

Anonymous said...

Been there and sympathize.

I don't know where you're moving but it can't be as bad as where I ended up. Really.

(found you at onehung's and clicked b/c your daughter pulls the same thing mine does "You're hurting me!" as we're leaving public places...toddlers...can't live with 'em, can't eat 'em)