Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Give Me What I Need

I've been sick for about three weeks now. It's only one of my twice yearly cases of bronchitis. I really thought I had it beat until I used some scented hand sanitizer this past Sunday and it messed my breathing all up again. I finally decided Monday afternoon that a visit to the doctor was in order.

Anyone who deals with our lovely military health plan down here knows it's a royal pain to get in to be seen sometimes. Thanks to my husband, I got to see someone yesterday. I don't what he said, but it worked and I'm not complaining.

I get to the exam room and in walks a new doctor. He sits down and asks me what's wrong.

I look him in the eye:

Me: I have been fighting bronchitis for about three weeks. I do believe I am now entertaining a sinus/respiratory infection. I need three things. I need asthma medication for my nebulizer, a Z-pack*, and some hycodan cough medicine so as to get sleep at night.

Doctor Dude: Uh, really? What leads you to think this?

Me: I have dealt with this problem for around five years and this combo is what works for me.

Doctor Dude: I see. What kind of cough medicine do you need again?

Me: Hycodan.

Doctor Dude: That's a narcotic! I can't write prescriptions for a narcotic! (This let me to believe he was a P.A. instead of a doctor- the uniforms can throw you off)

Me: Are you friends with someone who can?

That sealed the deal right there. He laughed and left to go write my prescriptions. He listened to my lungs and the wheezing therein and was surprised to see a pulse O2 of 97%.

Doctor Dude: You must be working like a train to get that much oxygen in. That's an awesome level for your lungs to sound like that.

Me: I am a Mother. I am a locomotive.

I ended up getting every thing I asked for. I shook his hand and told him it was great doing business with him and to have a wonderful day.

He told me I was the easiest patient he'd had all day and because of it, he even had time (at 3 p.m.) to finally eat some lunch.

I told him to appreciate older women who knew what they were talking about.

I am looking forward to feeling better by the end of the weekend. Which is good because we are heading to South Carolina for a small visit Thursday through Saturday. It's time to check on my Mama.

*Z-pack- the most wonderful 5 day antibiotic plan in the world. I love me some Z-pack.


disfamof3 said...

I hope that you get better soon! :)
And that your visit with mama is a nice one.
I know that the Dr loved you ... Straight to the Point Hope !! ;)

HUGS!! Have a safe trip said...

At least you got a doctor that listened to you. Hope it clears up quickly!

Celia said...

Feel better soon, Hope, and have a wonderful visit to SC.

I totally agree regarding Z-packs, though I had to take two of them consecutively this summer. Whew, was I knocked on the floor.

Hermes said...

Feel better soon. That is the kind of doctor you could pay with livestock. My kinda guy.

Mrs. Em said...

Hooray for great Navy doctors!!! :) Get feeling better soon!

Coty said...

"I am a mother. I am a locomotive."

I am totally writing that down! So true, in so very many ways. Good to see you the other day. Thanks for the pep talk. :)