Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another First....

I just want you all to know that I am exercising my right as The Mama to divulge the following information. This blog was started because I hate scrap booking. I wanted something cool that my kids could look back on with fondness and love. Plus, they can pay for the printer ink to print all the pages out if they want a copy.

My girl. My teenager. My BABY....went on a date this evening. I don't think it was really planned that way, but it happened.

There's this boy (isn't there ALWAYS a boy somewhere?) in her grade that thinks she's beautiful. (He has good taste and is right gutsy to tell a girl flat out she's beautiful.) Today he called and asked if maybe she'd want to go see an early movie. She responded that she didn't have any money, so it was a no go. He informed her that he was inviting her...ergo she wouldn't need money. Oh. She came and asked if she could go to a movie. She's been to movies with friends before. No big deal. We usually do the switch off thing with other parents. You know...where one will take and the other will pick up.

This turned out differently. This boy was coming to pick her up. He and his mother. He came to the door. Met us with a clammy handshake. I asked if The Man and I needed to go do a pick up and he quickly informed me that he would be bringing Paige home.


The Man had an inkling this was a date before I did. He asked Paige about it being a date and she said NO! it wasn't. The Man he paying for your ticket? Yes, sir. Is he picking you up? Yes, sir. Then it's a date.

This boy opened the car door for my girl. In fact, he was a door opening fool according to the report when she got back home. Good raising, if you ask me.

She was back home by 7:00p.m. which was perfectly acceptable to us.

While eating a light supper, I mentioned to The Man that my baby was on a date. He asked if that made me nervous. "No," I replied, "if he tries anything, she'll snap him in half."

These kids. Where do they get off growing up so fast?


AndreaLeigh said...

Aww so sweet! He sounds like a good egg.

Sugar. said...

Dating... I don't even want to think about it! Luckily Juno is only 4. But I suppose 15 will happen faster than I would like. Lawn will be hilarious when Juno starts dating. I just know he'll be cleaning his rifles everytime a boy comes over to pick up Juno for a date. He's planning it already!

Stefany said...

okay a second date totally deserves you meeting him at the door with a camera for the blog. I am sure she will totally understand..... 10 years from now. Anyways how else am I going to be able to check him out? He might open doors but is he a looker?

Miss Hope said...

My favorite thing about him? He was so clean cut!!!! No long hair. No pants hanging to his ankles.

Hmm...should I be worried now? MORE worried?

He definitely wasn't a bad looking kid.

Krys72599 said...

Door opening fool? I'm married to the door opening fool who swept me off my feet 18 years ago - not that I want to scare you, Miss Hope!
He shook your hands? He brought Mom as the driver, not some older brother with a flask in his pocket? He paid? AND they were home by 7pm?
For now, without a picture and without meeting him, he seems to be a nice guy.
Yay for Paige! And OMG for Miss Hope and the Man...

Michelle said...


Anonymous said...

Definitely sounds like a "date" to me too; and those "door-opening fools?" Well - I'm married to mine too - LOL - not to give you a scare! Rare to find in my day and even more so these days.

Jill AKA busymom said...

This is where I give a *sigh* of relief that the young man that Britt is "talking" to is an Elders son (don't think that fools me...he may be an Elders son and her a Deacons daughter...but you know what they say about the PK' and his mom pray ALOT)

AND to continue the sigh of relief he goes to college (yes an educated man:)) ALLLLL the way across the ocean and ALLLL the way across the country.

Pictures are would be a bonus for next time....I want to see:)

Anonymous said...

Hope tell Paige darlin that when he gets through running the gauntlet in your house then he has to make it through me too... then we will see if he is truly worthy to date our .. .yes I said OUR Paige. Dont forget Britt has a say in this too, allthough I think she says he is a ok kid.

Jacinda said...

Wow-she's growing up toooo fast!

Monogram Queen said...

"she'll snap him in half"...

Oh dear I am wiping my eyes. THAT was funny Miss Hope!

I love a boy with good raising I hope my girl finds one!

Guitar Woman said...

Girl, u know we "Edge Anon" addicts just gotta have a pic next time...PLEASE & THANK YOU!! You know how nosy we are about your & Paige's business. WOW! I'm excited 4 Paige.......and biting my nails and crackin' my knuckles 4 YOU! LOL! This guy sounds rather impressive. I think that's a good sign that he at least CARED if he appeared respectable. I think a lot of kids these days could care less. You know he scored some brownie points in Aunt Mar's book with the door opening deal and being clean cut. "Snap him in half" huh? ROTFLOL!!! So when is date #2???

Anonymous said...

How cool that you get to record the first date! :)