I can NOT believe how fast this week has gone. Santa comes in eleven days! Holy smokes.
Okay. Moment of panic is over.
Paige had her NJROTC Winter Ball last night. Of course, I took loads of pictures for you to enjoy. Alas, I can't do that post until I catch up on some other stuff that's been going on.
Last Saturday, we went downtown for a family day in the park. The community had donated lots of goodies, games, prizes, and food for every one to come out and enjoy. Our goal and aim was to get there early enough to get in line to see Santa. I had tshirts from last year that matched and, by golly, they still fit. Paige was a good sport and wore hers, too. All the festivities started at noon and we got there around 11:20 and jumped into the Santa line as fast as we could.
I love this town we live in. What a wonderful afternoon we had with memories made and recorded in pictures!
Ready for Show and Tell?

The Boy had to get a better perch so he could look for Santa to arrive. This is when he first saw him.

I have two of these. The other one is better and I've tweaked and modified it for family and a few friends. I didn't want to put it up on here because I put our town name and such on it. Look at my babies! With the matching shirts.

There was a sleigh there and I told Makenna to go sit and let me take a picture. Strike a pose, Baby Girl! (the ribbon in her hair has Christmas lights on it like her shirt-how much more anal can I get?) This girl here is growing so fast. I blink and she's another inch taller. I tell everyone who asks where she gets it from, that her Uncle on her bio-father's side is about 8 ft tall (not really, he just looks like compared to my 5'6" self) and she's just like him.

Okay...follow my thought here. We were standing and talking to some friends when I noticed Paige and The Boy were missing. The Man said they were on the pier walking. This is so HUGE because we could never do that before with our son. He didn't have to wear the harness this time. It was a trial run to see if the medication could truly curb his strong impulses. I looked at the pier and thought I saw them at the end (I can't see that far without my glasses) and used the zoom on the camera to see if it was.
I admit I caught my breath when I saw this, but then I realized something. 1. He was standing there just enjoying the moment, and 2. Paige would die before she'd let anything happen to him and she can swim like a fish and has even taken classes towards getting her lifeguard certification. They stayed out there for about 15 minutes and I am so thrilled he was able to enjoy a few minutes with his Sissy.

This is Paige on the way there in the truck. She loves this vest I found for her last year and it's her new favorite article of clothing.

This is totally unrelated to Saturday. Sunday morning, The Boy informed Dad he wanted to wear a tie like he does. So, I let him. It's just gravy that the tie is GREEN, too. I had to take a picture because my boy is just too sharp for his own good and it took all I had to refrain from eating him up.
This is a quick catch-up for the day. I promise I'll be posting some Ball pictures next. Now, be careful if you're out there shopping and whatnot. People are crazier this time of year!
Hey Hope looks like u and your family had fun on ur day out, those kind of days are always nice.
I love the matching shirts!! We need to have some more kids so we can do that too...haha j/k we'll think about it in a few more years.
You post the best pics. The boy looks like management material. That one needs a caption. "Nichols. Do you have those St88 reports ready to file yet? They better not be late this month." Heck, I'd hire him.
I love the pictures and the narration to describe what was happening.I felt like I Was right there. Question - Were you poking me with your cell phone when the boy ran off?
And I really love how warm and cozy Paige's hat looks. I need to get one of those.
Ooh, I love it when my boys wear ties! They look like such handsome little men. Good for him, wanting to be like his dad!
Great pics, Hope! I love the boy in his tie. He's so handsome!
I also love the santa pic. It's a really cute pic. :) Thanks for posting. I love me some pics!
You have yourself some gorgeous children, Miss Hope!
Loved Paige in that dress and Christian? Love me a guy in uniform! He looks so serious and polite!
And your son? In the tie? I would so seriously "AAAWWW" out loud in church if he walked in and sat in the pew in front of me!!!
Glad to hear, too, the meds are working! Must have been a real thrill to see him on that pier and not have to panic!!!
Looks like great fun..relaxing fun☺
What a handsome little man with his big boy tie!
So glad you had an enjoyable time... sometimes it's the "small" things isn't it!
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