I got to see a few friends and that was so nice. Michelle was a sight for sore eyes. We were able to visit with her and her family a little bit. You know how it goes. The men sit in the living room with football going while the women gravitate to the kitchen so we can chat and catch up. She keeps telling me she's going to get down this way and I'm holding her to it. They are wide open fixing their properties at the beach, and I can't wait to see the pictures showing awesome results! I got to hang out with Lu just a little bit. She contracted that nasty bug, too, so we mostly were miserable on the phone together. The girls were able to go visit on their bio-dad's side where they had a great time. They were able to see their grandparents and spend some time with their favorite Aunt and Uncle on that side. I missed them, but was glad they had a good time.
I felt like the visit went too fast until I remember my Grandma's bed. I'm not kidding you, Internets, that bed is like sleeping on a board. That woman is all about a *firm* mattress. The Man and I are not. We were like two old goonies in the nursing home every morning when we got up. We were so sore and stiff that it took at least two cups of coffee and an hour of moving just to function. I am grateful that we can stay in my Grandma's house. She's not there anymore as she is bedridden and stays with my Aunt next door. I still get paranoid when we go to leave and I clean. She is like the world's most immaculate housekeeper and even though I know she won't see her house, I want it to be like she would like it when I leave. Six days has a way of messing up a place if you know what I mean.
The ride home was loooonnngggg. I told The Man as we puttered down I-95 that it seemed like everyone on the East Coast was either going home or to Disney World. It caused a lot of muttering to happen from the driver's seat when certain drivers acted as if where they were going was much more important than the other few thousand around them. We finally made it home to our beds and it's taken a day or two to fully recover. I do believe I am getting on the older side. All that long travel makes for a very tired Miss Hope. God Bless the person who decided to put a DVD player in vehicles. The Boy was able to be entertained (which is a feat in itself when the medication wears off) and even got to play his new plug-in game (Power Rangers, of course).
I thought I'd share a few of my favorite pictures from the season with you.
This was taken before church the Sunday morning before we left. I love the fact that my son refused to smile, yet still ended up being cute. He was right thrilled to see the green vest I had for him to wear. My sweet Makenna. Girlfriend can pose, can't she?
Christmas Eve before heading to Nana and Papa's house. Some times the middle kid gets lost in the shuffle. Not this middle kid. She had the shirt to prove it! The star ornament on the tree is one she made in class with her picture in the center. It was a gift she brought with her so we had some personal touch on our tree there.
In case you're wondering, this is the Happy Dance. Who knew a Nintendo DS could cause such happiness. I'm not allowed to post pictures of Paige in her pajamas with no makeup on. Even though the pajamas were adorable and I didn't think she looked bad. I guess I need to respect.

This is my favorite of all the pictures that were taken. This is my Grandma. We all went to my Aunt's house to spend some time with them on Christmas Eve. Even though she is bedridden, she still made sure all her grandchildren had a present from her. Even though each child got the same gift (a little piece of money), they each took a turn sitting on the stool beside her bed so she could see them open their card. It was such a sweet moment and I was close to tears quite a few times. I love my Grandma and I treasure each moment I am able to have with her. (Pay no attention that man who is my brother on the other side of her. He would get all poothead on me if he knew I put his picture on here but I wasn't able to cut him out. I won't tell if you won't!)
That should wrap up Christmas 2008. I have been visiting some of your blogs and have really enjoyed being able to peek in and share in your holidays, too. No plans as of now for New Year's. That's okay. I'm perfectly content to share it with my family right here at The Edge.
Oh Hope - that was downright a wonderful Christmas! I am so glad that you had a good one and are back settled at "home".
Awww, that Grandma picture is precious! So sweet. And I promise not to tell your brother anything, possibly the easiest promise I've ever made!
I'm glad you had a great Christmas! Great pictures. :)
I'm so glad you had a good christmas and got to spend qt with your family. love the pics! thanks for sharing!
Miss Hope, I hope this finds you and yours healthy and happy. I wish you and yours and Happy New Year.
I love your blog to bits. When I read here, it always makes me feel like I know you. Some of the comments you make take me back to my family from the south and Oh how I so miss them, especially around this time of year.
May you have a Great New Year and a Wonderful 2009.
Thanks again, your a keeper.
Awww what a heart-warming post Hope! I am sorry you got sick but glad you still didn't let it spoil your visit.
I am jealous of your Grandma. I love old people! I miss mine every single day!
Xmas looks like it was a great time! Those are some beautiful kids!!!
Have a great New Year's celebration and I'll be back online in 2009!!!
Looks like a great Christmas was had! Thanks for sharing the photos, they're fab! Have a wonderful New Years, may it be full of love, laughter and happiness!!
Hey Hope! I have you a gift on my blog stop by and see when you get a chance!! Happy New Years~
I love the group of kids pic. You're right...so much personality! So much better than a pose. :)
Love the happy dance. I would happy dance for that too!
The pic with your grandma is so precious! It tells such a story. :)
Have a Happy New Year!
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