Wednesday, December 17, 2008

That Girl is Random

Tonight, Paige and I were in the kitchen preparing the evening meal and chatting a bit. There was a debate on which vegetable to fix. My choices are really limited because my kids will mostly only eat green beans, peas, and corn. We're not a cooked carrot kind of family here. Paige told me she didn't really care which veggie was fixed as she had eaten a really good salad for lunch today piled high with spinach. (My kids are HUGE salad eaters and my girl eats one every single day for lunch.)

She then went off on this tangent about ranch dressing and how it is just the bestest stuff in the whole wide world.

She concluded her tangent with the thought that we could end world hunger with ranch dressing as it can take the nastiest food and make it taste good.

See? She's going to grow up, join the military, and save the world.

With ranch dressing.


Bonita said...

Thats so funny, tell her i said good luck with that!

Hermes said...

Ranch dressing. I'll send a message to the United Nations right now. We should see an end to hunger in... five or six days? I think she's on to something.

Stefany said...

Hidden Valley? or Paul Newmans?

Anonymous said...

I am so ROFL right now! YOU GO ON, PAIGE!! Between her and my little diva, Ranch Dressing is sure to be the nobel prize winning condiment the world has been looking for. Just imagine it - an end to world hunger. Ooooh, you gotta love 'em, Miss Hope!

Although, I hope it's Hidden Valley because all the rest of it is just nastier than nasty -- well, that's my opinion any way. =)

And by the way, thanks for keepin' up with me, all your thoughts, prayers and responses. It's great to know who your friends really are (even those you've never actually met).

Hugs & kisses ...

Joe and Samantha said...

Yum. Ranch dressing!

ronee said...

at least the girls has got a plan! happy christmas girlie!

Anonymous said...

Hope tell Paige to put some Ranch Dressing on some Haggis and see if that makes it taste better! I have grown up on a farm/ranch in Idaho and have eaten some.... well lets say less that tasteful things and I really dont think ranch dressing would have help. But it is a good thought cuz I LURV me some ranch dressing.

Krys72599 said...

How about some ranch dressing on those cooked carrots?!?!?!

Monogram Queen said...

Ranch dressing as a cure-all hmmmm.. never given THAT much though! Yay for the salad though!

Anonymous said...

lol...I love ranch too!

Michelle said...

everything is better with kids love it too!

rebecca said...


I'd join the military if we fought with Ranch Dressing. Or Blue Cheese.