Night one is done!
I think I did pretty good with my presentation. My only beef/thing-that-irks-me is being constantly interrupted. I've done this section quite a few times and I know how long it takes to get all my information out there. When I keep getting interrupted, it messes with my train of thought. I know there are some points that need to be made, but PLEASE don't jump ahead of me and start talking about what next on my list. Dude. Seriously. Yet, I kept it cool and as professional as I could and plugged right on.
Add in the fact that Miss Hope was not 100% due to Womanly Issues. Yeah, that can make your temper short and your tolerance level low. Very low. Super low. Insanely low. I think normally (what a cute word and how rarely it applies to me personally) it wouldn't have bothered me as much, but this time it did.
I also have issues with people talking while someone is doing a presentation. I have to really watch myself because before I know what's going on? I am shooting them a look. You know....THE LOOK. I am cursed (or blessed?) with a very expressive face and there are times I have spoken a full blown speech without opening my mouth. Look, I am going to be 38 years old this year. If I haven't gotten a handle on that by now? Chances are it won't happen. Thing is? I know you sometimes need to lean over and make a comment or such. Heck, I even do that myself. But to have a full out conversation while someone is talking up front? So not cool.
Okay, vent and rant over. I love everything about this program I'm a part of. It is totally out of my control that the class is being held while I'm having Womanly Issues. It's not their fault either so I'll just be done with it.
Can I just say I am enjoying the smack out of not cooking supper? This is like a mini vacation from my usual routine of planning meals and cooking them. I can't think of one woman out there with a family that just doesn't get worn out with trying to come up with meal ideas, only to have some picky eating kid shoot down your hard work. The Man is stepping up and doing meals for The Boy, Makenna, and himself. Paige is with me working in the nursery for our session. It's a disruption of our routine that happens once every six months.
Now, I get to go make a few phone calls and get my day started. The Boy gets to visit with Miss Rose today. He's already looking forward to it and we don't want to disappoint that kid when it comes to Miss Rose, now do we?
By the way, it's going to snow here. Right where we live. Why? Because The Man cleaned the kitchen last night to give Paige a break! Everyone needs to break out their parkas if they haven't done so. (Thanks, Honey! How does that saying go? Bravo Zulu!)
One more presentation to go and I'm done!
I feel the same way with the whole connversation thing. But I thought your presentation was very good yesterday. I think you should just before every presentaion to have them hold their questions till the end.
Tried that, Bonita, but I was talking to thin air.
Hooray! I am so happy for you! I was enjoying our very FUNNY texts yesterday as well.
You have "the look"? Without training? You so should have been a teacher. Next time say "Excuse me, do you have something you would like to share with the rest of us?"
Girl you got composure, I thought dang if you would have had a shoe someone would have gotten it in the forehead. You kept it professional and did a great job as usual.
I am very guilty about interrupting and have been trying to work on that for many years! I am sure when I was in the course I was one of those frustrating people you speak of and I don't mean to be but I have an ADD issue and if I don't say what I thinking I lose it no matter how important it is! Through the years I have gotten better about it though! IMO carrying on a Conversation with someone who is not the speaker is rude! I am sorry you had a rough presentation! I hope the boy has a good session!!
I know what you mean about people talking when you are trying to say what you need to say. It is down right rude. Enough of that.
I also know what you need a break sometimes from your everyday routine. I know I need it from time to time. Usually the only out that I get is when I go to the store when Michael is home on the weekends. So that is usually about an hour a week. But we all deal with what we have on our plates and seem to get through it just fine.
As for the Boy sounds like you have a handle on things. That's great. I know in my heart that he will be just fine.
Ahh...the LOOK!
Sounds like a busy time going on at the Edge...
I too have "the look" It stops humans from age 2 to 50 in their tracks. I have to be very careful in meetings when I don't want people to know exactly what I am thinking...because my thoughts are usually written all over my face....and they aren't always nice thoughts:)
Sounds like you are doing a GREAT job (as is your fam for pitching in).
Ha haaaa I have "the look" too and I CULTIVATE IT!
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