I really didn't realize what a big deal this inspection was to be. Apparently, all the big dogs active duty and retired come to see what NJROTC has learned since they began the school year the previous August. We did cooperate and take her uniform to the cleaners last week so they could put some good military creases in. She shined her shoes for 3 hours last night. I am not kidding. This morning found her anxiety level so high, I was right tempted to pinch her head off clean at the shoulders. She missed the bus as she and I were frantically trying to corral all the stray hairs sticking out of her bun. The Man carted her to school to start an entire day full of NJROTC.
We arrived at the football stadium around 10 a.m. to see what it was all about. Wow. These kids were serious. The wind was blowing and it was FREEZING. The cadets as a whole voted NOT to wear their jackets. I just knew those babies were freezing out there on the field. We were serenaded by the school choir singing our National Anthem. The drummers from the school band helped to keep time with the marching beat during pass and review.
The shining moment? I did not know that there was an award/medal at stake! The area Commander did his own personal inspection of the cadets this morning before the big show. During the ..what do I call it?...A.M.I., 15 students were called forward to receive this medal for having an Outstanding Personal Inspection. I guess they had to have it going on from head to toe. My girl's name was called! Of course I did the Hope/Mama thing and said (uh...loudly) "That's MY Baby!!" I think I might have burst something I was so proud. I knew how hard she had worked for this and this moment was the icing on top of a good day.
We were able to see her a few minutes afterwards for hugs, kisses, and pictures. Off she went to a staff meeting (?!?!) as the NJROTC was excused from regular classes in order to devote the entire day to the festivities.
When she got home, I asked if she would have to wear her uniform tomorrow (as Thursdays are their normal uniform day). She replied that, no, she didn't have to. I believe she said something to the effect..."I'm totally dressing cute tomorrow since I looked a hot mess today!" Yeah, okay. A mess that won a medal!
This would be Paige receiving her medal. Or shaking the hand of one of the bigwigs after receiving it.
Pass and review here. It took all I had not to wave like a lunatic. She had to focus on keeping her platoon straight and I had to respect that. I'll just have to give her a hard time in the parades!
I am that person. That incredibly proud Mama who wants to wear a t-shirt that says, "That's MY Baby!!" (but her kid won't let her)
Haha, I love you Mama ( :
And I just realized how HORRENDOUS my eyebrows are. -_-
Awwwwh! I'm so happy for you!!!
I wish I could hug you!
You're amazing & ilyyyy.
<3 Maribeth
(directed to Paige.. ha.)
Thanks for the heads up : )
And btw, I found your blog on some feed website, it was listed twice as 12 and 14 % of clicks today.
Neighbor Debbie? I had to delete your comment cuz it had my baby's FULL ENTIRE name in it and I can't be letting pervy stalkers have that piece of information. I do love you, girl! (and I'm seriously thinking about that tshirt!)
Our son was in JROTC and I loved going to the competitions & inspections! They all work so hard!
Great job!
UMMM let me see if I can redo my comment. Firs I'm sorry I had such a blonde day yesterday. Maybe if I get my hair colored it would even itself out! I had said that if you want to get a t-shirt with " I'm the proud MOMMA of one ( first real name here ) PAIGE (last name here)" they by gosh you should do it. And I'm sure I can take Paige in sleeper hold until she says its ok for you to wear it. OK well that is sorta what I said. And I dont blame you on that pervey thing at all. But just to let you know I could take them too ifin needed :) cuz that is how Momma D rolls.
Congrats to Paige on the metal!!!
Yay for Paige!
And not for nothin' - you really should let your mama wear that T-shirt!
I remember those days yes I was an ROTC cadet! It taught me a LOT. Good job Paige!
HA! I'll MAKE you that doggone t-shirt! (hehehe) Congratulations to Paige!!!!
Congrats Paige..you look great!
Haven't I seen these somewhere else:)
Love the pic of her and the man!
That's great that she did so well. We are all proud of her.
OKAY..next time I will make sure to wear the shirt for you!
congrats Hope..and Paige!
I am so "that" mama too. Kids secretly love it though. I love the picture of Paige and Chief. That is just awesome!
Whoo-hoo! Yay for Paige! Yay for Miss Hope! Yay for medals and ROTC! Seriously Paige - good job.
way to go Paige!! You looked great! And Hope if it was my baby I'd be yelling too!!
Congratulations on the medal. Looks well deserved. I am jealous though. When I was in the CScots, no one presed and creased my uniform for me. That is one lucky girl.
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