Know what that is? That's right. It's a lobster tail, baked potato, steak, roll, fresh fruit, and some kick butt cookies. SNAP! Forgot about the steamed brocolli on the side.
Know where I got it from? The galley on base. You read that right. For the lovely price of $3.85, I got to enjoy a lunch with my husband last Friday that would cost half an arm and leg out in town. When The Man found out it was Surf & Turf, he said I ought to come eat with him. I went him one better and told my friends (who's husbands are either retired or active duty) they might need to come check this out with me. They agreed. We all agreed we'll be hitting the galley again real soon.
Best part of the whole experience? The Man's friend ate with us and his fork stopped half way to his mouth when he saw me taking a picture. I just shrugged and said..."It's for the blog, man." I'm seeing a t-shirt in there somewhere.
Only thing that keeps me from hatin' is that I HATE LOBSTER. Glad you were able to enjoy lunch with The Man though. Looks absolutely splendid, if I could just stomach the seafood portion. Although - I could handle that steak now!!!
Ohhh, I remember doing this. THAT was one of my favorite things about the Navy. We used to go in Newport all the time. It was soo beautiful. I don't hate you =0)
Wow!!! I love love love lobster tail. I'm jealous! you if i can? is that the rest of the blog title, because i would SO love you if when i come down tp visit you would take me to a surf and turf day :)
You sure can't beat that price. Enjoy it while you can. Good things like that are hard to find and never last forever. Some bean counter somewhere will find a way to trim the fat off of galley night. there was a logging camp close by here that served steak on Thursdays. But they charged twenty dollars. Still, it was good to have once in while. But thanks to your (well the USA's) soft construction market, the logging camps are pretty much shut down.
OK..I must say the Strawberries and the potato look good..but the rest..Well you know me!I don't like those foods :) Had it been chicken ... I would have been jealous :D
yummy, I always forget that the galley is open to us.
Oh my goodness! Sign me up! That looks great (minus the lobster...not a big lobster fan). Sounds like a fun time.
Whoa, you scored! I'm a little jealous, and I don't even like lobster!
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