The number 10.
What is this number 10 all about?
It has two digits. That seems to be a milestone to some. I'm sure many more numbers will hold significance...such as 13, 16, 18, and 21. But, for now, 10 is amazing.
Turning 10 means a military I.D. is mandatory. It feels grown up to go and have your very first picture I.D. made. I got my first one with a learner's driving permit.
Turning 10 obviously means you are no longer a kid. A child. A baby. You are on your way to being that glorious label called "Tween". When I was growing up, we didn't have tweens. We had kids who were major pains in the butt. I'm so glad this age group has their own personal label now.
Turning 10 means you must perfect the eye rolling because 13 isn't that far away and it has to be a skill you do without thinking way before then.
My Baby Girl is now 10.
I am amazed by her on a constant basis. Every week brings a new facet of her personality to light. We are dazzled with her smartness and puzzled over her humor. She has her Mama's expressive face (you might need to pray for her on that one!).
I think it's fitting that the middle kid, the second born, have the first birthday out of the family right at the beginning of the year.
(Some of these facts have been said in previous birthday posts, so forgive me for repeating.)
Makenna shares her birthday with my Grandaddy. I shall never forget joking with him earlier in the day and asking him if he wanted a grandchild for his birthday. Little did I know that I would do just that at 11:03 p.m. with 57 minutes to spare. I don't think I could top that birthday gift if I tried for a million years.
When Makenna was born, I literally thought my heart was going to burst right out of my chest. I loved her sister Paige so much, I just knew I couldn't love another human being that much. Makenna proved me wrong. She made it an easy decision to have that third and final child because she taught me how love could grow bigger than any thought I've ever had.
She is my peacekeeper in the family. To me, she's like a rock in the storm. The whole world can be in chaos around her and she is serene and smooth.
A family is like a puzzle. Everyone is a distinctive and important part of the whole picture. Normally, you do the outer edges first, then the middle. She is the heart of our family puzzle. Without her, our picture is not complete.
We love you, Makenna. Your star is bright and so full of promise in a world filled with shadows.
Shine, Baby, shine.
Birthday poses should be done with flair, don't you think?
A whole decade. Wow.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope its full of laughter and lots of sweet surprises!!!!
The Pikes~
Happy Birthday and I should have a special bond...get your mama to explain that one!
We also share our 10 year anniversary with you (you can get mama to explain that one too!)
Hope your day is very special...big 10 year old...and don't start with the rolling of the eyes just yet!
Great look beautiful...Aunt Chelle loves you!!!
Happy Birthday Makenna! Hope you have a great birthday!
Happy Birthday Mak, I will give you ur Birthday spankins later. Your like my number #7 or mabye 2 # 5's. I'm glad that you think of my house as your second home and that I love you and dont mind that you come over to play cuz I dont mind and I do love ya.
Love your other Mother... or as Paige call me Momma D
Happy Birthday Ms. Makenna! Hope it's a great one.
Happy Birthday, Makenna!!!
And to her mama, what a lovely gift, that explanation of how she's the heart of the family...
When she's older, she will SO appreciate reading all those lovely things you said about her.
Makes me wish our folks knew to do that back when...
I see the Eastern Pike family got a comment in here so now its time for the Western Pikes. LOL. Happy Birthday Makenna! WHat a big day for her. Momma Hope - she is getting VERY beee you ti ful. Beware of the next few years.
AND I love the shirt!
Oh yes she is workin' it!!!
I remember when my niece Heather turned 10, she put her hand on her chin, leaned toward my Mom and said "Well Granny - it's the ben one-oh". We still laugh about it!
No doubt it is a huge birthday though. I love love love her shirt. and the tiara. I am a queen you know so those things matter to me.
Also you are so right about each family member being a unique puzzle piece!
Happy Birthday!
Janeen's boy's b-day is today too! Cool.
10, wow! Happy B-day Makenna! The tiara looks fab!
Happy Birthday to your beautiful baby girl!
Happy Birthday! Double digits was a fun year for me. I hope you have a fab year. Make it memorable!
Sorry i didn't get her called. Her birthday gift will bein the mail tomorrow. Need to get a stamp. She is such a pretty young lady. I still can't believe she is 10. Where does the time go. Maybe it's because I haven't seen you guys in so long that I still picture this adorable little girl. But I do know they are growing up and I only get to see it in pictures. Happy Birthday Makenna. We love you.
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