I had some people expressing some concern because there have been no Edge updates. Never fear, my friends, we are here. We've just been a tad bit busy. It's too early and I haven't had enough coffee yet to truly focus so I won't go back and read my archives to see if I have mentioned this very juicy tidbit.
Can't you just see the excitement and giddiness in those words? Hold on a second whilst I savor the moment.
Okay. Am done.
I hear some of you gasping out there in Internet Land because you feel this might be too early. I, too, thought it was an early start date until I looked at the school calendar. These kids will have plenty of time off during the school year. I would almost put money on the fact that other school age kids will be green with envy because my girls will have twenty two days off at Christmas time. That's when we have perfect weather down here in Edge Country anyways. Why, last year, the kids were outside playing with new toys from Santa in shorts in flip flops. Can't beat that. Right now it's just too hot to go outside and the skeeters will tote you off if you pause while walking.
My girls are ready to go. I'm a lucky butt because they enjoy school. Makenna already likes her teacher (whom we met yesterday at open house). The class is big and spacious with lots to do. My baby girl is in third grade. I'm just in shock that she's grown so much so fast. She's read all the books in the house and is anxious to hit the library and find some more reading goodness. By the way....have I mentioned she read the last Harry P*tter book in three days? She literally devoured it.
Paige is a hoot. We took her to her open house last night and she literally floated through the building. Don't you realize one important fact? She is in eighth grade now. She and her cronies "Rule the School". Fred and I were picking on her before we got there and firmly told her she was not to see her friends and do that running-up-while-screaming-and-giggling-saying-omygoddidyouseesoandso deal. Anyone who knows a teenager will tell you this is impossible for them NOT to do. Heh heh...did my heart good to see everyone hollering her name when she went past them. It's going to be a tough year, though. She has gifted everything this go round. Whew. I told her she better get her heart right and understand she's got to buckle down and get busy. Cross your fingers she will. My understanding is pretty much everything she's taking will be on a high school level. My poor baby.
Yeah, the Edge has been right busy the past week trying to get prepared and ready for a new school year. We went home to South Carolina this past weekend for one last visit. Not really the LAST visit...but we won't go for a while because I want the girls to get settled in to a good routine. Driving home on Sunday afternoons is a tough four hour drive for them to do, then turn around and go back to school on Monday mornings. The girls went to see their father on Saturday while I got a special treat. I got to spend the day with my Mama and Daddy. We headed down to Myrtle Beach to do some shopping for the girls. I'll do more specifics on that later this week.
This afternoon will be a little sad for me. Both girls have hair cuts and Makenna is asking to get hers all cut off. ~sigh~ Her hair is so beautiful. It's white blonde and down the middle of her back. I've let Paige decide her hair style since she was Makenna's age, but I don't want to give Mak the same privilege. We did come to a compromise of sorts. She agreed to keep it as long as her shoulders. That'll still be a cool ten inches gone, I'm sure. I'm going to see if our salon does the Locks of Love program. If so, we'll be donating that gorgeous pony tail so some other sweet girl can have pretty hair. Either way, that hair will not end up on the floor. I have pony tails of Paige's I've saved. Maybe I'll put it all together myself and send it off. I don't know. We'll see.
There you have it. That's why I've been negligent in my posting the past few days. As soon as I get the girls settled in nicely, we're going to find The Boy a 3K program to attend. He needs some social skills in a major way. I'm sure all my faithful readers would agree whole heartedly.
Cool. The extended school year thing is very progressive. I'm interested in hearing from you on how it all works and whether your kids benefit. It's been talked about in many places across Canada but no one in British Columbia has done it yet. And, of course, we'd all have to do it at the same time. Keep us posted.
Yeah, that's early. My neice is starting soon too, like next Monday maybe. They like it that way.
Here in TX they made a law that school can't start until Aug. 27 so many people complained when it started on the 11th last year. My kids in private school, though, and they can do whatever they want. Hell be going on the 20th. I am not ready. First grade is old man.
yep, here in Hawaii school started yesterday, but they go pretty much year round and have extended vacation times, so they were only out for the summer for just over a month I think. I thought you were just busy getting some boiled peanuts together :P
Mellie and Hope, y'all crack me up. Hope, I think you actually need to get yourself busy making me some White Trash Puddin'...we'll call it fair payment for forgettin' my birthday. LOL You know I still love you!
Oh, I loved the first day of school! It was so much fun to see everyone and wear your new clothes. Mind you, it went downhill from there but .... hope the girls do great!
I can't quite comprehend school down there starting this early. I mean, I probably could if I tried, but I grew up in a September to June district. Kind of cool, though.
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