Friday, March 27, 2009

Another round of snippets

In the excitement that has been going on, I forgot a Mama Brag I was supposed to do.

Makenna won the Young Georgia Author's Award for 4th grade at her school. I didn't even know she had entered a contest! We were so very proud of her because the story she wrote was so stinking cute. I would put it on here but I have to figure out how to copyright my blog first. I don't want her hard work stolen. They had a small awards ceremony where she received a certificate and medal on a ribbon. Her 3rd grade teacher was in charge of the program at their school and she was beyond tickled that one of "her" kids had won. I would post a picture, but she's holding her certificate and I'm not about putting her last name out on the net. I'm sure you all understand my safety precautions. Now, her paper goes to the district level to compete against the other elementary schools here. If she scores there? Then it's off to state level. That girl of mine is so creative. She has a gift that I hope she nurtures and would be a shame to waste it!

We're calming down after all that retirement news saga. There is nothing to do but go forward. We're planning what we can and flying by the seat of our pants the rest of the way. I went ahead and registered The Boy for kindergarten. I spoke with Rose and the assistant principal at the school and they both agreed that it would be a good thing for him. See, I have to get him started in speech at school as soon as I can. If I don't? It could be a month or so before I find a doctor to refer him out when we move and we're worried he will lose all his progress with a gap like that. His speech teacher agrees that we buckle down this summer and move to three visits a week- time for hard core speech therapy! He's speaking so much better as it is. Poor thing just gets so wound up and his brain kicks into 10th gear and his words can't keep up with his mind. This is not only about learning the "v", "f", and "s"'s about learning control to slow down and communicate. I am in awe every day that he has received such amazing help with truly great people.

Paige is dealing as well as she can. My heart breaks that I'm taking her away from a place that she loves and a school she adores. My baby has just blossomed like the prettiest flower you've ever seen since we moved here. I won't ever regret moving because she has truly found herself and her way. I encourage her to think of how much more she can grow in another place. Her answer? She just wants to move to Tennessee to be with her best friend who moved last summer (her Dad retired). Oh, if it were that simple, Baby Girl.

The Man is putting out his resume and is hearing from headhunters. We've decided to put the job search (at the moment) in the South East region. Hopefully, the South East has a place for us. Carla and John are job searching also. Ugh. It's like my little world here is just busting wide open. Military life can suck in this aspect, you know. You roll along living life and enjoying and, BAM, you gotta rethink and redo and just take a totally different life route. Eh, I'm too old to do this. Well, I'm too old to do this again after THIS time. I have no choice but to grit my teeth, grin, and go one more time.

I'm heading out to help Neighbor Debbie get her place straight. She leaves next week and I'm going to miss her like crazy. At least she won't be that far away and I will still get to see her. I just won't be able to walk to her house like I normally do. (I'd have to walk on the interstate to do that and I'm thinking that's on the dangerous side.) Around noon, I get to head to another friend's house for lunch. Yeah, I'm going to miss my girls. Then again....I might finally lose some weight if I don't do all the lunches! Hmmmm.......

My baby has his first T-Ball game tomorrow (if the rain holds). I went to practice last night and just know I'm going to be on of those screaming fool Mamas. I could have licked those babies, they were so serious and having the best time. You know I'll be taking pictures!

Go on and have yourselves a good weekend. Keep it steady now.


Monogram Queen said...

Have a fabulous week-end too Hope and I thin you bloom where you are planted so I hope Paige will make the move just fine. Sending you a big ol' Carolina HUG!

Veronica said...

Tennessee would love you have you and yours Hope!

Roni said...

I fell ya one more time...thing! We are also in a one more time (which the last one we though was the one last!

You know you guys are in my thoughts & prayers.

Anonymous said...

How fabulous for Makenna!! Congratulations to her. That in itself is quite an accomplishment. I'm glad to hear that your mind and heart are settling now on the whole retirement thing. You should find yourself in high gear for a while still and then it will all just start falling into place. Here's hoping for something in the south east (*within driving distance*) LOL!

Have a great weekend, Miss Hope.

Bonita said...

First i would like to wish the Boy luck in his game!!!
If Paige could blosom some place away from where she grew up, she can anywhere. She is a very bright girl, wise beyond her years.
And way to go Makenna! You got a little author on your hands.

Michelle Tanner said...

Hope, you and your family are going to just fine, you know God will look out for you. If he can help David and I with this life change that we have had to make, He sure can help you move with your family (and just think, you will be near us, hopefully)!! Believe me or not, but just knowing we will get to see ya'll more, helps to brighten my days!!!

Missy said...

Way to go Makenna! What a super smart girl!

Robyn said...

I still can't believe your leaving!
I feel like I've just met you.. :(

Joe and Samantha said...

Congrats to Makenna!
Ugh, the Navy. Throws us planners for a "loop". It's the true test to any planner-
Best advice I've ever gotten (not that you need any)- Improvise, Adapt, Overcome...and start planning again!

In my thoughts and prayers as always-

AndreaLeigh said...

lots of changes, but change is a good thing. keeps us from getting too comfortable and stagnant. paige and all the kids will be stronger and more independant for moving. good luck in your job search - I'm thinking of you!

Just To Praise Him... said...

Don't worry. I'm one of those sports moms too. As hard as I try, I just can't seem to stay quiet. I keep it clean, of course, as you know I would but that quiet part just eludes me... I wonder if they have a support group for sports moms?... Hummmmmm...

Busy Texas Dee said...

Thank you for sending me the picture of Makenna. I am so proud of her. That is such a great accomplishment. You need to let me know how the T-ball game went. I wish I was there to see it. Can't wait until I can get my Little Man involved with sports. Not that these three kids don't keep me running enough as it is. But they need to get out there and interact with other kids. I'm glad you are taking things in stride. That's about all any of us can do. But especially military people and their families. Love you girl. My prayers are with you guys.

I Am Boymom said...

AAUUGGHH!! I feel your pain with the moving thing, we will probably be moving again soon and I am worried about my boys making the adjustment. I hope your family finds a wonderful place that will be even better than where you are now and I know Paige will find happiness wherever you land because she seems to have found herself, which is really what matters. And congrats to Makenna!!