Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions, for the most part, do speak louder than words. I have a prime example in my son. Some kind souls have called him "busy". Others just look at me with sympathy.

The other day, my son received a thick envelope in the mail. Addressed only to him. It was big and yellow. He was so excited and kept saying over and over again, "I GOT MAIL! I GOT MAIL!" (Thank you, Blu*s Clu*s)

This unexpected, yet very cool present was from our very own Domestic Diva (Miss Em) and Mr. Jer. Miss Em had been out shopping when she came across this item. After her visit to The Edge....she knew without a doubt this was something meant for The Boy. She made a special trip back to the store to purchase this and mailed it right away.

We had to save this special present to wear to school today so Mrs. K. could see it. They were appropriately tickled and totally agreed.

Thank you, Miss Em, for the coolest present EVAH. You already know him all too well.
I could seriously eat this boy up sometimes.


Krys72599 said...

The Boy is absolutely adorable! What a lucky mom you are!!!

DaBlairs said...

Lawd, DD sure did see the perfect thing for that chile!

Coty said...

That's PERFECT for him! I love it. Can't wait till we fly to California next year. I'm getting Charlie the shirt that says, "Congratulations. You get to sit next to me." Bahahaha...

Hermes said...

... it makes me wanna wag my tail, when it comes I want to wail...

Mrs. Em said...

So glad he liked it!! I hope you know this does me a good ego boost! ;)

Anonymous said...

I just can't wait to see what kinds of stunts he actually pulls today!

Mrs. Em said...

I'm going to take over Mellie's job...

Where you at, woman? :)