Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I Love it When Everyone Plays Together!

Keep those comments coming, Internets! You have until The Man gets home from work on Thursday for a chance to win your very own....
As you can see....regular programming will resume around this awesome event.


Stefany said...

OOOO ooo - First comment here too.

Monogram Queen said...

Again my picks are Sprinkles, Martin, Ted The Head, Damsel and Bella! Just in case you need to know... again! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hope! I just had to say I love reading your blog! You make me laugh and sometimes cry (in a good way) with the things you write. I miss you guys! You're the best!

Jill AKA busymom said...

I wanna win....I like Mona, Sola, Kyla Jane, Pinky, and Damsel:)